Illinois Philosophy is proud to announce that four new lecturers (Zachary Biondi, Seungil Lee, Patrick Leland, and Ioan Muntean) have joined the faculty this Fall.
Lee, a former Illinois graduate student, is also the department's new Undergraduate Advisor. Just last Friday, the other three, being new to Illinois, presented their research to the department, thus kicking off an exciting colloquium series with additional speakers to be found here.
Our new lecturers work on topics that range from the history of philosophy, ethics, and technology (with special interests in technology and environmentalism) (Biondi) to metaphysics and the philosophy of physics (Lee) to early and late modern European philosophy (with a particular focus on Kant's theoretical philosophy) (Leland) to intersections between the philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, philosophy of computation, and applied ethics (Muntean).
Zach Biondi | Seungil Lee | Patrick Leland | Ioan Muntean |