Contact Information
810 S. Wright St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
My research interest is in social epistemology and philosophy of language. I am currently working on a project on silent protest and silencing and another that is an analysis of the concept TESTIMONY in light of considerations of epistemic injustice.
I am completing a graduate minor in Gender and Women's Studies.
B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science; Eastern Michigan University
Awards and Honors
Instructor ranked as 'Outstanding' by students, F'23 and S'24.
Instructor ranked as 'Excellent' by students, F'24.
Courses Taught
TA for PHIL 100, Introduction to Philosophy
TA for PHIL 104, Introduction to Ethics
TA for PHIL 107, Introduction to Political Philosophy
Recent Publications
(With J.M. Dieterle) Identity and Food Choice: You Are What You Eat? https://doi.org/10.1007/s41055-022-00118-y